Wednesday, October 6, 2010

thesis oh thesis (this is my story)

Thesis oh thesis.... Penatnye!!!!!!!
At the first week, i was so excited tau koz dapat puan helly as my advisor. Pn Helly adalah seorang adv yang sangat easy going. Everything that we do, she just said. Ok Ok  Ok, a bit worried but at least not fassy.. hehehehhe.
After 3rd week me, zahid, lahm and joe had been inform that we will get another advisor due to Pn Helly been promoted as coordinator. We wait till we know our new beloved advisor was Pm Dr Ariffin, the title DR scary us foremost beb.  Gilolah..hehehehe.
First week kitorang datang, DR macam moody koz mungkin short noticed kot. We did show our proposal (yang kitorang rasekan kitorang nye proposal tu adalah terbaek) hahahah. But what happen was DR cross kitorang punye proposal, He said that if we cant follow his need, he will throw our proposal at garbage can. Four of us just sit, silent, looking each other, hahahahah scary siot..
After a week we did come again and now DR seem so kind, he teach us one by one. It so good, but then we stuck our proposal at the problem statement for almost 2 months (sapa nak jawap wei). Hahahahahhahhaha..
Tau tak kitorang tak datang jumpe DR about 2 weeks in a row, and die cakap “tolong jangan main main, nak due date da ni” (dengan suara yang gak menakutkan aku) hahahahahahahah.. tapi bile kitorang datang je, die ok je.. tak marah mane pon, mungkin sebab kitorang tak jumpe die kot.
Sekarang nak final date dah ni, Questionnaire pon aku tak distribute lagi.. DR tolonglah jangan suruh saya cr LR lagi, 4 rasenye da cukup.. nak cari 10 saya mmg tak mampu... Saya nak wat spss lagi, findings lagi.. TOLONGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!... **walaupon die cerewet tapi die sangat bagus, die ajar kitorang satu persatu.. bayangkan problem statement sahaja dah 2 bulan.. kitorang da boleh dapat “master in problem statement”.. hahahahahahahah**


a2mi said...

yeay.. akhirnye berjaya..:-)

D'zunnur said...

ape yg berjaya tu????

a2mi said...

sebab da boleh comment.. aritu takley.. ngok tul.. hahahahhahaha

James Dean said...


a2mi said...

zus senyap..hahahahahahah