Monday, November 22, 2010


*im gaining my weight..

Arghhh tidak... Takot nye sebab berat badan aku da naek semenjak duduk rumah ni. From 78kg previously, now my weight about 88kg. Thats really hurt me.. Aku taknak gemuk balik, aku nak maintain.. Now pon aku da stat p gym n jog. But the prob is I hate gym kat my house area because that gym is more focusing on work out n less cardiovascular... I'm find gym like Celebrity Fitness that they have such complete gym equipment but then its far from my house.. Hmmm, malas la kalu nak p gym yang jauh ni. So im decided yang I only do jog routine je. Jog bagus untuk kesihatan, in fact die affected kat whole body.. heheheehhe..:-) Its actually not about thin anymore but its actually about fit... Fit means takde lemak lemak di badan n gaya hidup seht.. (azmi definition)..:-)